What is Marsy's Law?
Marsy’s Law for Ohio ensures that victims of violent crime have the same co-equal rights as the accused and convicted – nothing more, nothing less.
Frequently Asked Questions
Today, Marsy’s Law for Ohio announces its endorsement of Ohio Issue 1 on the November ballot
Sophia Fifner is an advocate and activist for women and girls. For more than 15 years, she has served as a bold change agent for issues regarding sexual assault and civic engagement. To fulfill this mission, Sophia serves on the...
All 50 states have some form of a crime victims' bill of rights, and more than half - including Ohio - have amended their constitutions to include rights for crime victims. But that doesn't mean crime victims are automatically...
TOLEDO, Ohio (WTVG) -The Ohio Crime Victim Justice Center is offering virtual victim’s rights training on Thursday. The training will address victims’ rights in every stage of the criminal justice process, including hospital, investigation, prosecution, and post-conviction. The training...
National Crime Victims Rights Week will be observed this year from April 24–30. The 2022 NCVRW theme is “rights, access, equity, for all victims.”
Deputy Robin Taylor has been with the Geauga County Sheriff's Department since 2006. She first began her career as a first responder, before becoming a deputy with the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). During her tenure, she trained members of...