Supporters' Stories


Why We Do What We Do Featuring Cathy Harper Lee


Cathy Harper Lee was 23 years old when she reported her abuser to the police. Three years later, when her offender was finally incarcerated, he'd already sexually assaulted at least fifteen other children. After her case received national attention, Cathy heard from hundreds of survivors who shared similar frustrating experiences in the criminal justice system. Recognizing a gap in the system, Cathy founded the Ohio Crime Victim Justice Center in 2000 on the simple principle that, just as defendants and offenders require legal assistance to protect and enforce their rights, so, too, do crime victims. As a leader in the advancement of crime victims’ rights, Cathy supports Marsy's Law in Ohio.

Dignity and Respect

Cruel Joke

Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O’Brien for Marsy's Law in Ohio



Ronda's Story

One Day

Marsy's Law Needed In Ohio