Is it a “best practice” or a mandate on law enforcement to provide the rights form to victims at the scene?
At this time, law enforcement is not required to hand out a victims’ rights request/waiver form to victims. Ohio Crime Victim Justice Center considers the use of these forms to be a best practice that facilitates compliance with Marsy’s Law and facilitates the ability of victims to timely exercise their rights. Additionally, the use of the form may be required by implementing legislation. Under ORC 2930.04, law enforcement is currently required to provide victims, in writing, information about their rights, protection that is available to the victim, including protective orders issued by a court, medical, counseling, housing, emergency, and any other services that are available to a victim, and information about the Crime Victim Compensation Fund. Law enforcement can fulfill this obligation by providing the Ohio Crime Victims’ Rights Handbook and pamphlets or information cards provided by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office, or law enforcement may create their own handbooks, pamphlets, and/or information cards.